Week 33 has been about trying new things.
For one, my Zofran pump, the device that has allowed me to keep down food and liquid for the last 4 months, decided to stop working suddenly. After a very bad 48 hours of nonstop sickness and fighting with a malfunctioning pump, my home health company mailed me a new one. But then that one suddenly started malfunctioning too. I called the company, and they said the problem probably wasn’t the pump, but rather, how I was inserting the needles. I tried their tips and tricks, even using the inside of my thigh instead of my belly, and that of course turned into a nightmare.
By the end of the day, I had a giant red bruise on my leg and couldn’t walk for a few days.

Finally, someone online suggested a different type of needle called a silhouette. Apparently, they are helpful for people that have run out of fatty tissue, and I guess I hit that point. The new needles are terrifying huge, but because I don’t have to

insert them as deep under my skin, they are working a lot better. When I change the site, the catheter still leaves behind a giant red irritated welt that takes weeks to heal, but at least I’m able to get the medication that I desperately need.
Speaking of needles, I also went to my first acupuncture appointment. I was pretty skeptical, but hopeful that it might just be the one thing to help me during these last weeks of the pregnancy. I was encouraged by my friends who have used acupuncture to heal other physical ailments. Surprisingly, the appointment went really well, and even though it didn’t cure my nausea and vomiting overnight, it helped immensely with the headache and backache I had that day, and I went into such a relaxed state during the session that I actually fell asleep multiple times.

My acupuncturist put stickers on the pressure points to use for nausea, so I tried applying pressure to those over the following few days. I felt that it did make a difference. I was able to keep myself hydrated with plenty of fluids for the first time in a very long time. I was able to maintain my weight and even put on 1-2 pounds. Given the benefits, I’ll definitely be going back for a few more sessions!
Because of my success with staying hydrated for so long, I figured it was time to get rid of the many bags of IV fluids that had taken over our refrigerator. We didn’t have space to put our actual food anymore, and I wasn’t using the fluids through the PICC line or peripheral IV’s anyway. We ended up donating over 20 bags of fluids to a local animal hospital. They were extremely grateful for the donation. I was relieved to get rid of all those bags in a positive way instead of having to just throw them out.
Staying hydrated has helped my energy level increase, so now I’ve become very anxious about getting everything ready for the baby. We literally have nothing done at this point, which is pretty comical. Our “nursery” is currently an office, library, and home to 3 litter boxes. My lovely husband has assured me that everything will get done in time, but it’s hard to convince a hormonal, nesting-craved, 8-months-pregnant woman that the disaster of a room will very soon look like a beautiful space before the baby’s arrival.
Speaking of trying something new, I also did something crazy and changed my hair color! It was a long overdue change, and for the first time in months, I actually felt pretty and not like a homeless person.
Things can only get better from here!