Keep in mind that I’m writing this from a bad week, so please don’t suddenly assume everything is great. But I’m going to call week 35 the “good week.”

Let me just say that although week 35 was truly amazing, it also brought on the hormone-induced grumpiness, so let me just get a few snarky statements off my chest.
- Just because I’m not attached to an IV, a medical pump, or am wearing makeup and real clothes, does not mean I’m “better now.”
- It’s safe to assume I’m experiencing some level of nausea 24/7, so please for the love of God stop asking how I’m feeling because I will lie to your face.
- Telling a pregnant woman they are “so close” or “almost there” does not, in fact, make time go by any faster for her.
- Please stop offering me food or asking me if I’m going to eat today because that only makes me feel worse about my condition. Unless of course you’re my sister-in-law who knows what I can and cannot eat.
- I apologize in advance for any short-tempered, hormone-fueled things I say between now and the end of this pregnancy. You know I’m a nice person…deep down.
Ok, now that I’ve gotten those out of my system, let’s talk about why week 35 was a blessing.

For starters, I got maternity pictures done. I wasn’t going to do any pictures because they’re so expensive, but a local photographer was trying to build her portfolio and was offering free sessions. Thanks to a bunch of gift cards, I was able to get my makeup done for free at Sephora, and thanks to an awesome sale, I was able to score a beautiful dress for only $25. For the first time this pregnancy, I actually felt beautiful when I looked at myself in the mirror.
Second, my husband surprised me with a last minute “babymoon” getaway to Half Moon Bay. We stayed at the Ritz Carlton and had the most relaxing, amazing 24 hours ever. Our room was beautiful, overlooking the golf course and the ocean. We had our own personal fire pit right outside our door. We were able to go swimming, go on a walk, and have a nice dinner. I actually ate real food and kept it down. My stomach was so bruised and painful that I decided to stop the Zofran pump and move on to dissolvable tablets instead. So far, it’s working, so I’m now free from all medical devices which feels amazing.

Third, we celebrated Easter with family and it was the first holiday this whole pregnancy that I was able to truly enjoy. My sister-in-law hosted a gorgeous brunch at her house, and it was fun to spend time with my in-laws and husband’s extended family. My dad even drove up from San Jose to celebrate with us, and it was nice to spend that time with him. Logan was even more thrilled to have his Papa there. Logan and my nephew played baseball the whole time, and then we set up a fun Easter egg hunt for them. The weather was great and we were able to enjoy the sunlight and warmth. My sister-in-law even made me a special lemon granita so I could actually eat something with everyone.
Because the baby is growing so rapidly now, and I’m able to hold down more food in general, my belly is growing bigger and throwing off my balance. I got lightheaded and fell on my way to the maternity photo shoot location, which landed me in Labor and Delivery for 2 hours so they could monitor the baby’s heart rate and make sure my placenta remained intact. At the end of the day, he was fine, and I made a promise to my husband that the next time we’re in Labor and Delivery, I will actually be in labor with this baby.

The acupuncture appointments continue to help my energy level and appetite. Even though I’m unable to eat “normally,” I’m grateful to be able to keep in the majority of what I do eat and drink. I haven’t needed an IV infusion in weeks, which is a major accomplishment for someone with hyperemesis. We are getting anxious for this baby’s arrival, but a lot of factors are hindering our ability to prepare our house for his homecoming, so I’m hoping that he decides to stay in for a few more weeks so we have time to put together his nursery!