Breastfeeding a baby is a full-time job, and each breastfeeding journey is different. Even though this is my third time nursing a little one, I’ve realized that I still have a lot to learn!
In parenthood, there is always room for improvement – and breastfeeding is one area that anyone can learn more about. As a third-time breastfeeding mom, I have five essential items that have been vital to my journey so far.

Breastfeeding doesn’t always go according to plan (see my first experience here: It’s one of the most natural, amazing, frustrating experiences a mother goes through. From sleepless nights, to days spent on the couch as your baby cluster feeds, to never being able to leave your infant for more than a few hours at a time, to pumping around the clock, breastfeeding is not as simple as it seems!
However, now that I’m nursing my third baby, I have gained a lot of insight and experience over the years, and I’d love to help out other breastfeeding moms who are at the beginning of their journeys!
Here are five breastfeeding products I cannot live without:
1. Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump
This small, portable pump is ideal for the first days and months of breastfeeding!

The Haakaa is a small, silicone pump that attaches to the breast using suction. It is designed to catch your letdown and is a simple way to collect milk without using an electric pump. It is small, so it can be easily tucked into a diaper bag or purse for on-the-go use. It also doesn’t require batteries or electricity, so it is convenient to use frequently.
The Haakaa comes in a few different shapes and sizes, so be sure to research which style suits your needs. I had never used one before, and I didn’t think I was going to like it. However, once I started using it, I could see why it is so popular!
I used it during almost every nursing session when Dominic was a newborn and I was establishing my milk supply. Since he only nursed on one side during each feeding, I would attach the Haakaa to the other side and collect 1-3 ounces at a time. This helped me build up a “freezer stash” of breastmilk pretty quickly in the early days. The Haakaa was easy to clean and store, and came with a lid so I could keep it in the refrigerator if I wasn’t able to bag the milk right away for storage.
I also used the Haakaa in my car a few times. It is small enough to tuck under my shirt and no one would know what I was doing. After the first few months of breastfeeding, I used the Haakaa less frequently.
Be aware that the Haakaa can contribute to an oversupply, especially if you choose to use it during the first 6-8 weeks postpartum. The gentle suction can trick your body into thinking it needs to produce more milk for your baby. Also, because it catches your letdown, the Haakaa will collect more foremilk than hindmilk, and your baby really needs both in order to thrive. Therefore, I think the Haakaa is a wonderful supplemental tool for breastfeeding, but I would still invest in a quality electric pump to use for most pumping sessions.
You can purchase it here:
2. The Spectra s2 Electric Breast Pump
I can see why this pump is so popular among breastfeeding moms – its features are fantastic!

I used the Medela Pump In Style with both Logan and Roman, but I didn’t know what I was missing. I didn’t mind the Medela when I was pumping for Logan, but I was pumping around the clock and it was bulky and loud. Since Roman refused to use a bottle, I wasn’t pumping as much, and when I finally decided to start pumping, my body just wouldn’t react to the pump. I tried all different supplements and pump attachments, but nothing worked. I would only get an ounce or so at a time, no matter how long I pumped for. It ended up not mattering anyway, since he refused to take a bottle!
Sometime between Logan’s birth and Roman’s birth, insurance companies decided to start covering the cost of breast pumps, but not all insurances cover the same pumps. Unfortunately, I didn’t have access to the Spectra when I was pregnant with Roman, but my new insurance did give me access when I was pregnant with Dominic! I had heard such great things about the Spectra breast pumps, so I was excited to begin my pumping journey with baby number three.
I ended up picking the Spectra s2 because of the ratings and reviews. It did not disappoint! Looking back, I wish I had used the Spectra with Logan and Roman, because it is leagues ahead of the Medela in every aspect! It is more efficient, quieter, and has more features than the Medela.
Here are some things I love about my Spectra s2:
- It is easy to set up and use. I tested it out a few weeks before I gave birth.
- It has a nightlight so you can see the buttons in the dark.
- It has a display screen that shows your settings and keeps a record of your pump sessions.
- The bottles that come with the pump are Dominic’s favorite.
- It is so quiet, it doesn’t wake up a sleeping baby.
- It is a closed system, meaning I don’t have to worry about water or other bacteria getting into the tubing and my milk.
- The pump comes with basically everything I need, and it is easy to buy replacement parts on Amazon.
- It was free through my health insurance (and should be for most breastfeeding moms).
You can purchase it here:
3. KeaBabies Organic Bamboo Nursing Pads
Thick, soft, and environmentally-friendly: reusable nursing pads are the way to go for breastfeeding moms.

In the early days of breastfeeding, leaks are common. If you want to protect your clothing from milk stains, invest in a good set of nursing pads. Although disposable pads are available, reusable breast pads are softer, more durable, and better for the environment (and your wallet!). The KeaBabies Bamboo Nursing Pads come in a set of 14 and are machine-washable. They are super absorbent, and the bamboo fabric makes them luxuriously soft and ideal for sensitive skin.
They come with a mesh bag to use in the laundry and can easily last the whole week! These breast pads come in different sizes and colors to suit anyone’s preference for style and comfort.
Even if you don’t need breast pads during the day, you might need them at night, especially once your baby starts sleeping for longer stretches and your supply hasn’t had time to adjust. Nighttime leaking is common!
You can purchase them here:
4. Legendairy Milk Sunflower Lecithin
Certain supplements can be helpful during breastfeeding.

Legendairy Milk makes a lot of different breastfeeding supplements, but I like the sunflower lecithin the best! It’s organic, non-GMO certified, and designed by a certified breastfeeding specialist. Sunflower lecithin helps prevent clogged ducts, which can be incredibly painful and may lead to infections such as mastitis. I only take one softgel per day, but the recommended dose is two per day and up to three or four if you’re experiencing a clog. Sunflower lecithin can also aid in milk flow.
The softgel capsules are giant, so if you have difficulty swallowing pills, this might not be the best option for you.
Pro Tip: In combination with the Haakaa, sunflower lecithin can help alleviate a plugged duct. Take 3-4 softgels daily until you can work out the clog. Fill the Haakaa part way with warm water and epsom salt, and attach to the breast. This can help draw out the clog.
You can purchase it here:
5. Body Armor Sports Drinks
Sometimes plain water gets boring. These sports drinks are both hydrating and delicious – and can boost milk supply!

These sports drinks are so tasty and supposedly can help increase milk supply. Although proper hydration is key, sometimes plain water can get boring. These drinks come in many flavors and are packed with electrolytes, antioxidants, and vitamins. They also come in “Lyte” flavors that save you about 100 calories per bottle, but be aware that these sports drinks are really just juice in disguise and contain plenty of sugar. In the beginning of my breastfeeding journey, I kept 5-10 bottles of Body Armor drinks by my rocking chair so I could easily grab one if I got thirsty at night. I also diluted them with plain water to cut some of the sweetness. Incorporating these drinks into an overall healthy diet can be helpful for milk production!
Trying to lose weight?
I prefer the “Lyte” varieties because they are less sweet and are much lower in calories. You can even mix these drinks with plain water to cut the sweetness. There are only 20 calories per bottle of Body Armor Lyte drinks. Breastfeeding moms can benefit from ingredients such as coconut water, electrolytes, antioxidants, and B-vitamins. Staying hydrated is important for breastmilk production – but be careful to avoid drinks high in sugar!
Why coconut water?
Coconut water is high in natural electrolytes, making it a great source of hydration for breastfeeding mothers. It is low in calories, low in sugar, and can aid in digestion and immunity!
You can purchase it here:
You can also usually find Body Armor drinks at Costco, Safeway, and other grocery stores!
I’m about six months into my breastfeeding journey with my youngest baby, and these are the products that have helped me the most! All of them can be found on Amazon, making it super easy to shop.
Check out my Amazon storefront for more breastfeeding essentials: