Welcome To The World, Baby Roman

I was warned that my second labor might go faster than my first. But I wasn’t quite prepared for just how fast.   April 20, 2018. It was just a typical Friday for me. I woke up nauseous, but drove Logan to school. This was something special I had added to our routine, as IRead more

35 Week Bumpdate: The Good Week

Keep in mind that I’m writing this from a bad week, so please don’t suddenly assume everything is great. But I’m going to call week 35 the “good week.”   Let me just say that although week 35 was truly amazing, it also brought on the hormone-induced grumpiness, so let me just get a fewRead more

34 Week Bumpdate: So Close And Yet So Far

They say the end of pregnancy is when time slows down. This entire pregnancy has felt like approximately one million years, but now, time seems to be speeding up. The days are flying by, the weeks are adding up, and we have so much that still needs to be done to prepare for this baby.Read more

31 Week Bumpdate: What Is Sleep?

They say that you won’t sleep once the baby arrives and to try to conserve energy and rest during the pregnancy. Every woman that has ever been pregnant knows this is the furthest from the truth as you can get, because face it, sleeping in the third trimester is on the same level of difficultyRead more


I had written about 50% of a post about my birthday, but after proofreading it, I decided it was too boring and downright depressing to publish. Instead, I’m going to share about the best year of my life, Year 27, and what I hope for in this upcoming Year 28. I love having my birthdayRead more