35 Week Bumpdate: The Good Week

Keep in mind that I’m writing this from a bad week, so please don’t suddenly assume everything is great. But I’m going to call week 35 the “good week.”   Let me just say that although week 35 was truly amazing, it also brought on the hormone-induced grumpiness, so let me just get a fewRead more

34 Week Bumpdate: So Close And Yet So Far

They say the end of pregnancy is when time slows down. This entire pregnancy has felt like approximately one million years, but now, time seems to be speeding up. The days are flying by, the weeks are adding up, and we have so much that still needs to be done to prepare for this baby.Read more

33 Week Bumpdate: In With The New

  Week 33 has been about trying new things.   For one, my Zofran pump, the device that has allowed me to keep down food and liquid for the last 4 months, decided to stop working suddenly. After a very bad 48 hours of nonstop sickness and fighting with a malfunctioning pump, my home healthRead more

5 Things To NEVER Say To A Hyperemesis Sufferer (Or Any Pregnant Woman)


“You look tired.”   She looks tired because she is tired. Her body is already working harder to create and support a new life, and then the majority of her days are spent hunched over the toilet or running to and from any available bathroom. Her body is literally draining itself of nutrients 24/7, soRead more